It’s no secret, having a pool is a lot of work. From cleaning the pool to ensuring the correct chemical balance in the water, regular upkeep requires time and commitment. If you don’t have time to deal with the day-to-day upkeep of our pool, or perhaps you’ll be out of town for a period of time, the Pool-FX team can help with all aspects of pool maintenance.
Opening your pool each year and closing it up again each fall can be a delicate process. Many pool owners in and around Columbus, OH, prefer to leave the job to professionals, like Pool-FX.
Our team knows how important it is to open and close your pool properly. To do otherwise could cause damage to the pump, plumbing, pool liner, or the structure of the pool itself.
Our comprehensive open and close service ensures your pool is safe and protected, no matter what time of year.
Your pool was an investment. In order to protect that investment and enjoy it for years to come, regular upkeep and yearly open/close maintenance is important. Trust the professionals at Pool-FX to keep your pool in tip-top shape.
Looking to upgrade your outdoor living space with a custom inground pool?